Jouko Alapartanen

Jouko Alapartanen (FIN) studied at the Art School of Lapland in Tornio and at the Repin Institute’s visual arts program in Kotka.  He is a key contemporary artist in Lapland and known as a brave and innovative artist inspired by art history, religions, current events, nature and human emotion. In his technically skilled paintings, he uses traditional expression as well as deviations from the norms characteristic of contemporary art. Society, ideologies and his own world view are strongly reflected in his art. He is known as a prolific portrait painter and has painted public portraits of several influential individuals, the parish priest of Kemi, Pertti Telki, and film advisor Jussi Mäkelä. He has been recognized with Tornio’s cultural award and a working grant from the Lapland Art Commission. His artwork has been exhibited internationally, and in Europe and Russia. 


photo by Lasse Stenman

Adam Algotsson

Adam Algotsson (SWE) is a respected and established artist with his own studio. In the graffiti world, he is known as Appear37. Painting and creating have always been a great interest for Adam, but the road to living on art has been a bumpy one. During his high school years, he discovered graffiti and was drawn to crime due to a lack of legal options for graffiti painting. Caught red-handed by the police, he realized he needed to change his life. The big turning point came when he was commissioned to carry out a mural in a boy’s room. It turned out that the father was the police who had him. The police wanted to show him that he could do something good with his talent and Adam took it. Today he works full-time with his art through exhibitions, commissioned work and design.


Stig Olav Tony Fredriksson

Stig Olav Tony Fredriksson (SWE) creates colourful graffiti and art with a focus on urban expression and combines his artistic skills with art-activism, recycling, public space, street art/graffiti and DIY (Do It Yourself). 



Henri Hiltunen (SWE) is a multi-artist. His working tools are the brush, camera and computer. He works with different colors and materials and is not afraid to try new paths and experiments a lot. 


Andrea White Hveding

Andrea White Hveding is a mixed media artist and actress from Tromso, Norway. She creates installations with film and objects from nature to reflect and explore art as site-specific locations. 


venla huhtinen

Venla Huhtinen

Venla Huhtinen (FIN) is a Helsinki based artist and designer and she works both as an independent artist and part of the design collective studio nolla. Painting is her passion, and especially painting murals gives her a joy that she can’t get from anywhere else. Her style is recognizable from hands that mysteriously adventure in different places. Through art she reflects her own emotions but she also hopes to express through her work that everything doesn’t always have to be so serious.   


Eeva-Kaisa Jakkila, Jussi Valtakari, Antti Ylönen

Eeva-Kaisa Jakkila (FIN) studied at Perä-Pohjola College of Art, Liminga Art School  and Lahti Art Institute. Her art has been exhibited for 30 years in solo and group exhibitions, and she was awarded the Visual Arts Prize from the Province of Oulu in 1995. In her work there is almost always some kind of attitude, she perceives the world around her from her own world of thought, asking “are things really like this”. Her works are mainly performing installations.

Jussi Valtakari (FIN) studied at Lahti Art College and Tampere Art College. He creates playful small-sized wooden sculptures inspired by folkloric woodwork. Older generations may recognize the character Emil by Astrid Lindgren in Valtakari’s work, who also carved human figures from wood. Valtakari often carves his figures with a knife, but he also uses a file, chisel, surgeon’s knife and even a nail file in his work. Wood has been an important material for him since childhood. Valtakari comments on the way the world is going through his characters. He draws his ideas from everyday life, such as newspapers and his own observations. He has exhibited his work for more than 30 years, in both solo and group exhibitions.

Antti Ylönen deals with themes of time and emotion in his art and his favourite material to express these issues is wood. Essential elements in his art are sophisticated design together with spiritual, meditating ambience, elements which together form a timeless and sensitive experience. In order to feel the warmth and silky surface of the material, the audience is usually encouraged to touch his art works.  He has joined many international projects in Spain, Turkey and India, and worked several times in Japan, twice in Studio Youkobo in Tokyo and created commissioned sculpture for the Minamisoma Concert Hall. Alongside sculpture, he works with photography as a kind of photographic painting and urban nature photography.

Santeri Karttunen

Santeri Karttunen (FIN)  is an Art educator (MA) and graffiti artist, and has been involved in Finland’s graffiti culture for over 20 years. He is an Industrial designer with experience in service design and active in organisational work such as events, commission paintings and workshops. He is a multidisciplinary artist, performing, making music, breaking, fine art and is interested in mixing mediums and testing boundaries of graffiti aesthetics. 



Superflinda (FIN) is an internationally known graffiti artist and she creates murals, typographic installations, illustration, graphic design and holds workshops. For Horizont she worked closely with Pohjantähti Opisto, Kemi, to create community engaged art with several groups. 


Marianne Kauppila

Marianne Kauppila (FIN)  is a Visual designer and Graphic entrepreneur from Oulu. She creates murals, illustrations, visual expressions of companies and various printed products. Her style is graphic and mostly very reduced, strong contrasts and clean lines speak to her in a special way. 


Essi Korva

Essi Korva (FIN) graduated from the University of Applied Sciences Institute of Design and Fine Arts in Lahti in 2010. Her Sculptures are often based on her subjective experiences of the world. They often deal with fear, childhood, loneliness and emptiness, for which the rugged beauty of Lapland offers an excellent setting. She works with variety of materials, wood, cement, plaster, hair, clay or whatever she might find useful. She has attended several environmental art happenings in Finland and abroad.  At the end the material itself is not too important, but the emotions she’s trying to capture. Her sculptures are portraits of feelings. 



Katt Skarin (SWE), graffiti and mural painter from Luleå, Sweden and Tobias Barenthin Lindblad (SWE), graffiti author, lecturer and owner of Dokument Press, work together to edcuate youth about the history and the physical creation of graffiti. They run community engaged workshops across Sweden. 



Suvi Leväsvirta

Suvi Leväsvirta (FIN) is an artist and musician from Finland. She creates gothic-horror, comics and Mexican inspired art. 


Suvi Leväsvirta

Sirja Moberg

Sirja Moberg (FIN)  is a visual artist with an MA from Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, and a BA from Turku Academy of Arts, and has studied at Emily Carr University of Arts + Design in Vancouver, Canada. She works multidisciplinary with installation, experimental photography, video and sculpture. Her work is inspired by nature and the connection between art, esoteria and natural science. She has had a few solo exhibitions and her work have been exhibited in both solo and group exhibitions, such as the ‘Beethe Effect’ exhibition at the Museum of Natural History in Helsinki 2022 and the ‘Unfold’ exhibition at the Finnish Museum of Photography in 2020.  


Juha Mytkäniemi

Juha Mytkäniemi (FIN) is an Artist and Art teacher from Rovaniemi, Finland. Art for him means freedom of actions, thoughts, expression, feeling and experiencing. His art is best described as condensations of the experience of human life. Visual treatises and interpretations of time, of oneself and of what is happening and happened around. Thoughts, feelings, events and memories stick to the surfaces. The material used also has a significant effect on the process and the end result. He says rarely know what comes out of the valve after it opens. The only thing certain is that something will erupt. 


Eija Mäkivuoti

Eija Mäkivuoti (FIN) is a photographic/visual artist, researcher and a visual communication professional. Eija makes border-crossing artistic work based in Helsinki, HaparandaTornio & Tórshavn. Born and raised in Swedish Lapland, she is a bilingual Tornedalian with Finnish roots whose heart lives in the Faroe Islands. She works with lens-based long-term non-fiction and documentary narratives from a critical, ethical and socio-culturally sustainable approach. She is a multi-disciplinary cultural worker, with experience in working in different cultural institutions. Eija has an MA in Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA) | Master’s Degree Programme, Aalto University 2016–2018 and a BA in Visual Communication, Design Institute, Lahti University of Applied Sciences 2010.


Marko Saarelainen-acton

Marko Saarelainen (FIN) started working with graffiti at the beginning of the 1990s. At that time, he fell in love with the spontaneity, the fast process  and the attitude of graffiti that doesn’t follow rules. At the same time, however, graffiti had very strict but clear frameworks of how it should be created. He still finds this contradiction interesting enough to maintain his enthusiasm for working with graffiti. 

Heavy music has always played a very strong role in his artistic work, although it may not always be so clearly visible. 

In the end, the message of graffiti is quite simple: the name of its creator is presented decoratively, using the established style of the writer. The Graffname is always presented in letters or in shapes that correspond to letters. This spontaneous street typography, letter design realized with spray paint (and also with other painting tools) is still at the core of his artistic work. Its main part is almost always the same five letters: A, C, T, O and N. Since February 2022, he has chosen yellow and blue as the main colour scheme in his paintings, to show his support for Ukraine. 


photo by Saija Salonen

Anders Sunna

Anders Sunna(SWE)  is an artist based in Jåhkamåhkke/Jokkmokk, the Swedish side of Sápmi. He studied at Konstfack College of Fine Arts, Stockholm, Sweden and is recognized as one of the most important and influential contemporary Sápmi artist.  His art expresses political issues to raise awareness of Sápmi and indigenous rights world-wide. He participated in the Venice Biennale 2022-23. 


Kamutaze Tembo

Kamutaze Tembo (FIN) is a visual artist originally from Zambia. He creates art inspired by graphic forms, people, bright colours and his native Africa and combines these into powerful images. 


Wille Erkki Tetri

Wille Erkki Tetri (FIN, born 1992) is an artist living in Tornio. He works with painting, photography, video and sculpture. His art deals with themes of spirituality, nature, sexuality and the individual’s relation to oneself. His art is abstract, psychedelic and symbolic, and functions as a meditative and calming channel for Tetri to investigate himself. He studies art at Lapland Vocational College and has completed a year’s studies at the Open Art School in Helsinki (2018). Tetri is a member of the art collective Luna Society Ry, Tornio Fine Arts Society and Camera Society and has participated in group- and solo exhibitions in Helsinki and Haparanda.



DonPoro (FIN) is known for his realistic large scale mural portraits of people and art influenced by northern scenery and comics. He has worked with Snoop Dogg to create portrait and custom art and he has his own line of products for purchase. 


matti ylitalo

Matti Ylitalo

Graffiti painter from Oulu. Has dabbled in graffiti since the beginning of the 2000s, regularly and irregularly. In graffiti, I fell in love with its certain kind of anarchism and taking over “urban space”, the more letters on the walls, the better.